Basics Commandlines for Os X / Unix. See a list pf ComamndsLines for Mac Os X or Download or Clone the Git via Github.

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Installing Command Line Tools in Mac OS X Launch the Terminal, found in
Commands Source Download it @
$ cd Run Terminal and type npm -v
$ cd ~ Home directory, e.g. 'cd ~/folder/'
$ cd / Root of drive
$ ls List the Directory
$ ls -a Listing incl. hidden files
$ ls -l Long listing
$ ls -lh Long listing with Human readable file sizes
$ ls -R Entire content of folder recursively
$ ls -R Entire content of folder recursively Download it @
$ pwd Print Working Directory
$ cp Copy File and Folder Download it @
$ mv Move
$ rm Remove Directory Download it @
$ mkdir Make Directory
$ rmdir Remove Directory
$ open Open the Directory, File Folder and all Files.
$ kill killall Process End-ing. Kill All.
$ whoami Who am i ?
$ su Switch User - User Changes
$ sudo Substitute User Do - Give a Command as Superuser (Root).
$ pbcopy Pasteboard Copy
$ pbpaste Pasteboard Past
$ say Let Computer Speaking
$ date Show Date and Time.
$ nano Text -Editor in Terminal.
$ screencapture Make Screenshots
$ find Find Files.
$ mdfind Mac Spotlight. Search Entry Computer
$ ps List all Activiti Process
$ top List detail Process List.
$ history List all last Commands.
$ clear Clear your terminal Windows
$ man Man-Page - Show the Man Site to the Command.
$ which Which Command?
$ whatis Short Info for the Command. Download it @
$ chflags nohidden ~/Library Library-Ordner unter Mac OS Lion anzeigen
$ ping pingt ein Netzwerkgerät um unter Mac OS Ping zu stoppen CTRL+C drücken
$ top Zeigt eine Liste von laufenden Prozessen an, ähnlich der Aktivitätsanzeige.
$ defaults write Finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE; killAll Finder Zeigt versteckte Dateien im Finder an.
$ defaults write Finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE; killAll Finder Zeigt versteckte Dateien im Finder an. Mavericks
$ defaults write ScreenCapture type JPG; killAll SystemUIServer Stellt das Format für Screenshots auf JPG, weitere mögliche Formate sind: PNG, PDF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PSD.
$ defaults write location /Users/benutzername; killAll SystemUIServer Ändert den Speicherordner für Screenshots auf Euren Benutzerordner.
$ dscacheutil -flushcache Startet Quick Look neu & läd ggf. neue Plugins.
$ ipconfig getifaddr en0 Get Your Network IP Address
$ curl; echo Get Your External IP Address
$ ping -c 10 www.example- Test Network Connectivity
$ system_profiler A Closer Look at System Information
$ pwd The current directory
$ ps -ax Job control While Activity Monitor is useful, it's not quite as useful as working with the shell. To get a list of every running process on your computer, type this:
$ hostname To get your current location, use the "hostname" command.
ShortCommands Download it @
Ctrl + A Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on
Ctrl + C Kill whatever you are running
Ctrl + D Exit the current shell
Ctrl + E Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on
Ctrl + H Same as backspace
Ctrl + L Clears the Screen
Ctrl + K Clear the line after the cursor
Ctrl + R Lets you search through previously used commands
Ctrl + T Swap the last two characters before the cursor
Ctrl + W Delete the word before the cursor
Esc + T Swap the last two words before the cursor
Alt + F Move cursor forward one word on the current line
Alt + B Move cursor backward one word on the current line
Tab Auto-complete files and folder names
Command + K Clears the Screen
History Commands Download it @
history n Shows the stuff typed - add a number to limit the last n items
ctrl-r Interactively search through previously typed commands
![value] Execute the last command typed that starts with 'value'
!! Execute the last command typed
File Commands Download it @
touch [file] Create new file
pwd Full path to working directory
.. Parent/enclosing directory, e.g.
'ls -l ..' = Long listing of parent directory
'cd ../../' = Move 2 levels up
. Current folder
cat Concatenate to screen
rm [file] Remove a file, e.g. rm [file] [file]
rm -i [file] Remove with confirmation
rm -r [dir] Remove a directory and contents
rm -f [file] Force removal without confirmation
rm -i [file] Will display prompt before
cp [file] [newfile] Copy file to file
cp [file] [dir] Copy file to directory
mv [file] [new filename] Move/Rename, e.g. mv -v [file] [dir]
mv [file] [new filename] Move/Rename, e.g. mv -v [file] [dir]
DirectoryCommands Download it @
mkdir [dir] Create new directory
mkdir -p [dir]/[dir] Create nested directories
rmdir [dir] Remove directory ( only operates on empty directories )
rm -R [dir] Remove directory and contents
Pipes Commands Allows to combine multiple commands that generate output
more Output content delivered in screensize chunks
> [file] Push output to file, keep in mind it will get overwritten
>> [file] Append output to existing file
< Tell command to read content from a fi
Help Commands Allows to combine multiple commands that generate output
[command] -h Offers help
[command] --help Offers help
[command] help Offers help
reset Resets the terminal display
man [command] Show the help for 'command'
whatis [command] Gives a one-line description of 'command'

Basics Commandlines for Os X / Unix. See a list pf ComamndsLines for Mac Os X or Download or Clone the Git via Github.

Installing Command Line Tools in Mac OS X

Launch the Terminal, found in

Commands Source Download it @
$ cd Run Terminal and type npm -v
$ cd ~ Home directory, e.g. 'cd ~/folder/'
$ cd / Root of drive
$ ls List the Directory
$ ls -a Listing incl. hidden files
$ ls -l Long listing
$ ls -lh Long listing with Human readable file sizes
$ ls -R Entire content of folder recursively
$ ls -R Entire content of folder recursively Download it @
$ pwd Print Working Directory
$ cp Copy File and Folder Download it @
$ mv Move
$ rm Remove Directory Download it @
$ mkdir Make Directory
$ rmdir Remove Directory
$ open Open the Directory, File Folder and all Files.
$ kill killall Process End-ing. Kill All.
$ whoami Who am i ?
$ su Switch User - User Changes
$ sudo Substitute User Do - Give a Command as Superuser (Root).
$ pbcopy Pasteboard Copy
$ pbpaste Pasteboard Past
$ say Let Computer Speaking
$ date Show Date and Time.
$ nano Text -Editor in Terminal.
$ screencapture Make Screenshots
$ find Find Files.
$ mdfind Mac Spotlight. Search Entry Computer
$ ps List all Activiti Process
$ top List detail Process List.
$ history List all last Commands.
$ clear Clear your terminal Windows
$ man Man-Page - Show the Man Site to the Command.
$ which Which Command?
$ whatis Short Info for the Command. Download it @
$ chflags nohidden ~/Library Library-Ordner unter Mac OS Lion anzeigen
$ ping pingt ein Netzwerkgerät um unter Mac OS Ping zu stoppen CTRL+C drücken
$ top Zeigt eine Liste von laufenden Prozessen an, ähnlich der Aktivitätsanzeige.
$ defaults write Finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE; killAll Finder Zeigt versteckte Dateien im Finder an.
$ defaults write Finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE; killAll Finder Zeigt versteckte Dateien im Finder an. Mavericks
$ defaults write ScreenCapture type JPG; killAll SystemUIServer Stellt das Format für Screenshots auf JPG, weitere mögliche Formate sind: PNG, PDF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PSD.
$ defaults write location /Users/benutzername; killAll SystemUIServer Ändert den Speicherordner für Screenshots auf Euren Benutzerordner.
$ dscacheutil -flushcache Startet Quick Look neu & läd ggf. neue Plugins.
$ ipconfig getifaddr en0 Get Your Network IP Address
$ curl; echo Get Your External IP Address
$ ping -c 10 www.example- Test Network Connectivity
$ system_profiler A Closer Look at System Information
$ pwd The current directory
$ ps -ax Job control While Activity Monitor is useful, it's not quite as useful as working with the shell. To get a list of every running process on your computer, type this:
$ hostname To get your current location, use the "hostname" command.
ShortCommands Download it @
Ctrl + A Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on
Ctrl + C Kill whatever you are running
Ctrl + D Exit the current shell
Ctrl + E Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on
Ctrl + H Same as backspace
Ctrl + L Clears the Screen
Ctrl + K Clear the line after the cursor
Ctrl + R Lets you search through previously used commands
Ctrl + T Swap the last two characters before the cursor
Ctrl + W Delete the word before the cursor
Esc + T Swap the last two words before the cursor
Alt + F Move cursor forward one word on the current line
Alt + B Move cursor backward one word on the current line
Tab Auto-complete files and folder names
Command + K Clears the Screen
History Commands Download it @
history n Shows the stuff typed - add a number to limit the last n items
ctrl-r Interactively search through previously typed commands
![value] Execute the last command typed that starts with 'value'
!! Execute the last command typed
File Commands Download it @
touch [file] Create new file
pwd Full path to working directory
.. Parent/enclosing directory, e.g.
'ls -l ..' = Long listing of parent directory
'cd ../../' = Move 2 levels up
. Current folder
cat Concatenate to screen
rm [file] Remove a file, e.g. rm [file] [file]
rm -i [file] Remove with confirmation
rm -r [dir] Remove a directory and contents
rm -f [file] Force removal without confirmation
rm -i [file] Will display prompt before
cp [file] [newfile] Copy file to file
cp [file] [dir] Copy file to directory
mv [file] [new filename] Move/Rename, e.g. mv -v [file] [dir]
mv [file] [new filename] Move/Rename, e.g. mv -v [file] [dir]
DirectoryCommands Download it @
mkdir [dir] Create new directory
mkdir -p [dir]/[dir] Create nested directories
rmdir [dir] Remove directory ( only operates on empty directories )
rm -R [dir] Remove directory and contents
Pipes Commands Allows to combine multiple commands that generate output
more Output content delivered in screensize chunks
> [file] Push output to file, keep in mind it will get overwritten
>> [file] Append output to existing file
< Tell command to read content from a fi
Help Commands Allows to combine multiple commands that generate output
[command] -h Offers help
[command] --help Offers help
[command] help Offers help
reset Resets the terminal display
man [command] Show the help for 'command'
whatis [command] Gives a one-line description of 'command'
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Simple, Clean, $ Commandlines List for Mac Os X/ Unix & Linux!